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5 Steps to Compare HEPA Filtration Options in Healthcare Facilities

Selling to healthcare prospects is no easy tasks. Not only are budgets constantly in flux, but it can be difficult to convince many people who work in healthcare that you know enough about their needs to recommend products.

We’ve compiled a few simple steps to follow if you want to sell HEPA filtration options to facilities that need better dust containment and infection control systems. Use this post as an overview and starting point for your detailed sales process.

Step 1: Assess the Need

Before you can start to think about making a sale, you need to be sure that you understand what your prospect needs. For HEPA filtration products, there could be a range of different issues that you will need to consider. For instance, one facility may need HEPA filtration for surgical theaters, to keep the room safe for operating, when another may need AnteRoom-style filtration that will isolate a certain room or wing of the facility for infection control or dust control purposes. These two different needs will have very disparate solutions, so start by asking questions that will get to the heart of the real issue.

Step 2: Address Regulation Concerns

Healthcare facilities deal with many different rules and regulations as a matter of course. Therefore, the decision makers at these facilities must remain vigilant and only spend their budgets on those tools that meet regulatory standards. When comparing HEPA filtration options for a healthcare prospect, you should be sure that you know what regulations apply to the solutions you are laying out and be ready to share that knowledge.

Step 3: Compare Options

When you have a firm grasp on the problem that your prospect is trying to solve, you can start to give them the information they need to compare HEPA filtration options. Providing literature at this point may be helpful, but do not let literature be a substitute for your knowledge of filtration and healthcare facility needs.

Step 4: Answer Questions

Of course, you will never see a sales process to its conclusion if you are unable to answer questions about the solutions you are selling. Although we list questions here at step four, the reality is that you should be answering questions throughout the sales process. And don’t just be ready with answers that you have taken straight from a product brochure -- you will get a lot farther with healthcare prospects if you show an in-depth knowledge of products and of their needs.

Step 5: Recommend

If you have completed the previous steps, you will have effectively shown your prospects that you know about dust containment, infection control, and the healthcare industry. When you have proven that you care about the challenges your prospect faces, you can recommend products that will make those challenges easier to overcome and make their facility more effective. At the end of the day, healthcare prospects are in the business of taking care of people. When you can demonstrate that your solutions will result in better patient outcomes in the long-term, you will be able to make a sale.

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