Insights for Choosing the Best Air Purifier for Dust in Your Building

Written by HEPACART | Nov 29, 2022

Dust in any building can cause issues. Dust in a hospital can be devastating for the healthcare of many patients. 

When it’s your job to ensure the air in the hospital is free from dust and other contaminants, it’s important to find the best air purifier. Unfortunately, it can be a challenge to weed through all of the air solution providers out there, especially if you’re unsure of what exactly to look for.

The first step in choosing the best Air Purifier for Dust is understanding the features you’ll want to keep an eye out for. 

Here are 5 (3) key insights you need to be aware of when you’re choosing the best air purifier for dust.  

Look for Powerful Air Throw and Strategic Air Flow Patterns

One of the main things you need in your hospital air purifier is the right type of air flow. Pay attention to how the air purifier you’re considering circulates air. You’ll want to choose a purifier that fills every room with clean, pure air by using a powerful air throw method. 

Air purifiers that don’t use a strong air throw method end up mixing both clean and contaminated air. They also have a smaller range and typically only purify the air in the surrounding area, with a span of just a few feet. These purifiers lack power and are often unable to destroy the contaminants in the air. 

By choosing a powerful air purifier that uses the strongest and most effective air flow strategies, you can ensure clean, healthy air for your hospital.

Choose a Purifier with Powerful Clean Air Technology

Find an air purifier for dust that uses top clean air technology such as HEPA filtration, UVC sterilization, and Ozone-free bipolar ionization. 

HEPA Filtration

HEPA technology has the unique ability to effectively capture indoor air contaminants and aerosols. To ensure the cleanest, purest air, you will want to be certain that your air purifier for dust has a HEPA filter

UVC Sterilization

Ultraviolet-C lights can be used as a germicide with the ability to essentially neutralize the capabilities of viruses and microorganisms. This technology does not actually remove the contaminants from the air, but prevents them from being infectious. When purifying the air, this is especially important in a hospital setting. 

Ozone-Free Bipolar Ionization

This key technology uses both positively and negatively charged ions in order to inactivate certain bacteria and viruses. When combined seamlessly with a HEPA filter, there is a very effective strategy of both offense and defense against the viruses, bacteria, and contaminants in hospitals.

Smart Design — Built to Last

Make sure the air purifier that you’re considering is adequately designed and crafted. There are many poorly made air purifiers that end up broken or destroyed pretty quickly. 

When you’re looking at Air Purifiers for Dust, make sure to pay attention to the types of parts used in each model. You’re looking for commercial grade parts which include a high-performance fan, an ECM motor, steel enclosure (22-gauge), and other industrial components. 

An air purifier made with expert craftsmanship and top quality parts is built to last and will keep working in any environment. Those made poorly will easily break down, come apart, and stop performing, causing issues in your hospital.


Finding the best air purifier for your hospital is essential. With the right purifier, the hospital air will not only be cleared from dust and contaminants, it will also be freed from contagious viruses and bacteria thanks to to neutralizing clean air technology. 

Keeping the hospital air clean is a top priority, yet it’s often difficult to find the right solutions provider. By understanding the 5 (3) key elements discussed above, you will be prepared to choose the right air purifier.

Learn more: Get the ultimate guide to air purification for dust in a high-risk environment.