Top 3 Reasons Our HEPACART® Auto Lift Solves Your Dust Abatement Needs

Written by HEPACART | Jun 12, 2023

Dust abatement is a crucial factor in ensuring a safe environment for workers and residents of medical facilities. After all, particularly patients with already lowered immune systems are uniquely at risk for airborne pollutants. As a facility manager, being aware and actively working to minimize this risk for patients, staff, and visitors. 

Excessive dust and pollutants can cause respiratory issues and health complications if not adequately managed. Patients and staff deserve the best environment, and together we can ensure that you can provide the right environment for everyone.

What Is Dust Abatement, and Why Is It Important?

Dust abatement refers to controlling and preventing dust from becoming airborne, usually in large-scale settings such as construction sites or demolition areas. Dust abatement is essential throughout the project because dust or debris can cause health problems, impact the environment, and impair visibility.

In high-risk environments such as hospitals, nursing homes, outpatient areas, and data centers, dust containment requires precision tools to catch small particles. By using dust abatement measures, you can prevent the spread of harmful dust particles and ensure the safety of patients and staff.

How Can You Achieve Dust Abatement?

Limiting or preparing for activities that can cause excess dust is crucial to achieving dust abatement. Some common examples in the world of facility construction or maintenance projects include activities like demolition, excavation, and grading. Limiting the activities that will cause heavy debris is a good starting point wherever possible. 

While dust and debris are in most construction renovation projects, facility managers and construction teams can ensure the particles are removed. But when high-impact construction activities must take place, your construction team can contribute to dust abatement through routine practices. One such practice is spraying water on areas of loose dust to prevent large amounts of dust from going airborne.

Another way to achieve dust abatement through construction or renovation projects is to restrict or separate areas highly affected by the debris. In hospitals, certain areas may need to be off-limits to prevent dust from construction teams, patients, to facility staff.

Lastly, and hopefully in addition to the other dust abatement methods mentioned above, one of the best things that can be done for your medical facility is to use specialized dust containment units, like the HEPACART® Auto Lift. The Auto Lift will target and lock away dust particles in the air, keeping patients and staff safer and healthier. 

Meet the HEPACART Auto Lift.

The HEPACART Auto Lift is our mobile dust containment system equipped to solve even your facilities’ most demanding dust abatement problems. The unique design allows this tool to aid in dust containment and abatement during renovation or construction projects in high-risk environments such as hospitals or data centers. It works to trap and lock dust in areas to provide safe and clean environments at the push of a button. 

How Does It Work? 

The HEPACART Auto Lift uses a sealed enclosure with a HEPA filtration system to capture and contain harmful dust particles, preventing their spread and minimizing the risk of airborne contamination. With a wheeled base and a push-button lift mechanism, the HEPACART Auto Lift boasts a setup time of fewer than two minutes and is ready to go whenever needed. 

3 Ways the HEPACART Auto Lift Serves Your Dust Abatement Needs.

1. Ease of Operation

The Auto Lift is easy to set up, transport, and operate. You can be sure it will get to where you need to be and get started fast to improve the air quality. The HEPACART Auto Lift also features an automatic lift mechanism, making it easier to move the unit around.

2. HEPA Filtration

This tool's HEPA filtration system captures small airborne particles, ensuring that nearly zero harmful dust particles escape the containment unit. The HEPA-certified air filtration system in the HEPACART Auto Lift is medical-grade and lab-tested to 99.99% at .3 microns, ensuring the air is clean and safe to breathe. This level of air filtration is appropriate for susceptible groups such as hospitals or medical facilities. It can be trusted to tackle high dust or debris from construction projects. 

3. Equipped for Functionality

The sealed enclosure of the HEPACART Auto Lift prevents any particles and bacteria from exiting the unit protecting high-risk patients and staff in construction areas. It ensures that the air inside is cleaned and removes harmful particles. However, velcroed pass-thru sections allow for easy movement of equipment and materials while keeping dust, dirt, and pathogens from escaping into high-risk areas.

The Auto Lift has a walk-off mat and storage compartments below the door, making it easy to store and move dust containment or cleaning supplies — or anything else — that may come in handy during construction or renovation jobs. 

Overall, the HEPACART Auto Lift is an exceptionally effective tool for dust abatement, as it helps to powerfully contain and capture harmful dust particles, preventing their spread and protecting the health and safety of workers and patients in high-risk environments.

Dust Abatement Is Critical.

Dust abatement is an essential process that should be considered, particularly in high-risk environments such as hospitals or construction sites. Prevent dust or debris from becoming airborne; it can lead to serious health problems, negatively impact the environment, and impair visibility. With those negative health effects of airborne dust and debris looming, don’t leave the facility’s well-being to chance.

With the HEPACART Auto Lift, achieving dust abatement effectively and efficiently is easy. Download our full pricing guide at the link below to learn more and discover if the HEPACART Auto Lift may be the best fit for your facility’s upcoming construction projects!