Dust Containment & Budget: How to Save Without Compromise

Written by HEPACART | May 21, 2015

There are few positions in the professional world where budget does not come into play and healthcare is no different. A recent survey found that at least 34% of facilities managers saw operating budgets reduced in 2012, for instance.  But with the health of patients on the line, cutting corners is never an option. Luckily, it is possible to maintain strict dust containment standards without going over budget, as long as you know how to shop.

The Importance of Dust Containment

When creating a budget, managers must give priority to those areas that will have the most impact, meaning where the most savings is possible to maximize profits. This is true even at non-profit healthcare facilities.  Proper dust containment, although it requires an initial expenditure, can lower costs for healthcare facilities overall and reduction in operating costs has the same effect as an increase in revenue. That is because hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) can cost a facility huge amounts and proper containment lowers the risk of HAIs.

Upfront Costs vs. Lifetime Costs

When comparing  containment options in light of budgets, it is essential to look at the upfront costs versus the lifetime costs. For instance, temporary options such as plastic sheeting may have a very low upfront cost. However, their temporary nature means that more plastic needs to be purchased time and again. There is no permanence to this particular solution. That means each year, the same budget needs to be allocated for these types of materials. Further, to set up proper containment using a temporary structure like this takes time, and the more time setup takes, the less efficient workers can be.

On the other hand, a portable containment cart is more costly upfront, but its durability means that it need only impact the budget once and can stay in use for many years after that. In addition, there is hardly any setup time associated with a portable dust containment enclosure, which allows workers to finish tasks faster, also saving the facility money.

Look for a Warranty

To lower the overall lifetime cost of a containment cart, a warranty can help. Even a dust containment enclosure that has been through thorough testing can have unforeseen defects. With a warranty, if anything breaks within a certain time period, it will be fixed - or even replaced - free of charge. This can certainly provide some budget relief if repairs are necessary while the containment unit is still new. 

Taking containment issues seriously is an important part of managing a clean and safe facility, but investing in the best options does not have to mean spending the most money. Ensure that containment standards are met while keeping worker efficiency in mind to meet regulations and stay on budget.