10 Hospital Construction Statistics for 2017

Written by HEPACART | Feb 06, 2017

While you never quite know what a new year will bring in your industry, it is worth looking at the kinds of statistics that influenced and shaped the last few years to get a sense of where things are headed.

In the hospital construction industry, there are always interesting facts and figures that can show us where the industry is moving and how we can prepare ourselves for the coming year.

Take a look at the hospital construction statistics we found that are sure to come into play in 2017.

1. 86% of healthcare facility managers say that patient satisfaction is “very important” when it comes to changes in facility design or services. Tweet This


2. With the repeal of ACA on everyone's mind, it is worth noting that for hospitals, the loss of ACA coverage would have a net impact of $165.8 billion lost. Tweet This



3. As of 2017, there are 5,564 registered hospitals in the U.S, consisting of 897,961 staffed hospital beds. Tweet This



4. BJC Healthcare, a nonprofit organization based in St. Louis, is planning the largest dollar allocation for hospital construction in the country at $1.5 billion. The money will be dispersed in several St. Louis locations. Tweet This


5. 60% of healthcare facilities are using evidence-based design for new construction and renovation projects. Tweet This


6. 57% of hospitals have adopted mock-ups and staff interviews to improve their facility planning processes. Tweet This


7. 65% of hospitals are adopting construction standardization throughout the facilities. Tweet This


8. Miami-based Jackson Health System in July 2016 unveiled a $1.8 billion building plan that includes rebuilding at the Jackson Memorial Hospital campus, making this one of the most expensive hospital expansion projects slated for 2017. Tweet This



9. For all construction projects,  U.S. starts in 2017 will grow 5% to $713 billion, following gains of 11% in 2015 and around 1% in 2016. This is good news for hospital construction, a the industry shows much more growth than 2016. Tweet This



10. 80 rural hospitals in the U.S. have closed in the last 6 years. Those patients now must seek treatment from other facilities, which may require updating, renovation, or expansion. Tweet This
