Should you Consider Creating a Hospital Construction Blog?

Written by HEPACART | Mar 16, 2016

Blogging might not be the first things that comes to mind when you start planning your next hospital construction project. But with the explosion of internet access, what was once a niche possibility for the particularly savvy is now the bastion of what seems like every mother and teen in the country. And blogging has its uses well beyond personal news updates and can even have a place in construction projects, particularly for hospitals.

What is a Hospital Construction Blog?

A hospital construction blog is a regularly updated blog that tracks and explores the progress of a healthcare construction process. It may launch as soon as a new project is announced and keep readers updated on the status of the project, delve into the biographies of key players in the new hospital, and cover any potential delays. While this type of blog is certainly not the norm at this point in time, more and more teams are utilizing this type of communication for their projects, either as its own entity or as part of an existing hospital blog.

Community Input & Involvement

While hospitals have always been recognized as an essential community service, the way in which community members have been able to contribute to the design and construction process has greatly expanded in recent years. By utilizing a hospital construction blog, the community at large -- even those who are not directly involved in the project -- can be easily updated on project developments. It could be something as simple as a notice that neighbors should expect to hear more noise than normal, as in this post from the Seattle Children’s Hospital Construction Blog:

Or just a progress update, such as this milestone met by the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital:

The blog format allows community members to comment and share the news, voicing concerns when necessary and there by feeling more involved in the project overall.

Should You Advocate for a Hospital Construction Blog?

Whether you are a contractor, manager, or hospital administrator, there are plenty of reasons that you should consider launching a construction blog for your next big project. Not only do you get the benefit of near instantaneous feedback from the community, it gives you a platform to fully explain and explore the goals of your project and what you will be contributing to the community. Whereas a project with no blog or public relations strategy may seem little more than a nuisance, one with clearly stated goals and values can start to be seen as a community asset.

Further, a blog like this can really serve to humanize your project. The informal nature of blog writing can help community members and even hospital stakeholders to feel more personally invested in the project and can serve as an introduction to the team of people that work so hard to tackle healthcare construction.

A blog like this does add a layer of work, likely for the hospital’s communications or marketing team, but it can be a big asset to everyone involved, especially in the event that something goes wrong. A community that feels involved and informed will be much quicker to forgive.

Want to learn more about hot technology is changing the way hospitals and healthcare facilities are built? Check out our presentation below: