EHRs Mean One More Application for Dust Containment Methods

Written by HEPACART | Jun 10, 2015

Infection control is critical in any healthcare environment. But while keep patient areas free of dust and debris from construction and renovation projects seems obvious, there is a somewhat new concern of dust containment in and around data centers, largely due to the increase of electronic health records (EHR).

The Rise of EHR

The rise of EHR has represented a huge leap forward for both patients and healthcare providers in many ways. Electronic records are easier to track, update, and share between care providers. However, where filing cabinets once stood are now massive data centers that are storing all this electronic information. Caring for locked filing cabinets and keeping these files secure and clean was, if not an easy task, one that was easily understood. This is not always the case when it comes to data centers. That's because in a data center that stores health information, it is not just the patient records that are sensitive. Data center hardware must be stored and maintained properly in order to meet regulations and keep the system running smoothly.


What EHR Means for Health Facilities

EHR data centers have a number of security and technology requirements, as established by regulations such as HIPAA. Some healthcare facilities and providers are choosing to store this type of sensitive information in the cloud, while other either build their own data centers or rent space from a vendor. These data centers, like any space, will need regular cleaning and maintenance. But unlike other administrative areas, data centers require a high level of cleanliness and very specific temperature and humidity measurements. Dust containment and reliable, clean ceiling access is a critical part of EHR data center maintenance. Not only can a  containment plan offer an easy solution for regular maintenance, it can make the transition from working on a sensitive patient area to a sensitive data area that much more seamless and therefore efficient.

EHR & Dust Containment

Data centers are subject not just to security regulations, but also to certain climate, temperature, and dust control regulations as well. While not necessarily regulated in the same way that infection control measures for hospitalized patients are, hospital data centers can still be damaged when proper dust containment measures are not taken. The more dust and debris is able to enter the data center, the more likely computer components are to be damaged. Dust can damage fans, circuits, and eventually lead to hardware breakdowns.

While a data center should definitely be set up with a filtration and ventilation system that works 24/7, during maintenance there is still the opportunity for the room to be exposed to dust and debris, which is why dust containment is so important.


To learn more about the flexibility and efficiency a HEPACARTâ„¢ can offer when it comes to data room maintenance and general containment regulations, download our catalog below.