2015 PDC Summit Tip: Following Up With Contacts

Written by HEPACART | Mar 11, 2015

So you're all revved up about attending the 2015 PDC Summit! That's understandable since it's a stocked pond of contacts, all looking for products, services or logistical solutions like those you offer. The question is: are you skilled enough to reel them in and convert them to sales?

According to the Center for Exhibition Industry Research, roughly 80% of trade show leads are left to flounder without any follow-up effort at all. Don't let that be you.

Evaluating Your Leads During the Show

No efficient salesperson would ever attempt to touch base with every person who leaves contact information at the company booth. You want to focus your efforts on those contacts who are most likely to convert. The best way to do that is by sorting them as soon as you make contact. This means engaging visitors in efficient conversation and taking notes.

  • Are they specifically looking for a product, service, or solution like yours?

  • If your company gave a seminar or participated on a panel, did they attend?

  • Did they engage in a hands-on demonstration?

  • Do they understand the technology?

  • Do they have a time frame for purchasing?

  • Do they have purchasing authorization?

The more positive answers, the more reasons to toss them in your High Priority Bucket. Have two more buckets available - one for Moderate Interest, and one for Just Passing the Time.

Keep Leads Fresh After the Show

Follow-Up Calls

Although some consider phone calls old school, a personal call is the most effective manner of reaching out to a potential customer. But the most important part of the follow-up phone call is that you actually do it. After the show is over, schedule time to make your follow-up calls and make it a priority. Try to call within a week of the end of the show, to make sure you are still fresh in the lead's mind.

When you do call, be specific about who you are and why you're calling:

"Good Morning, Ms ABCD, this is John Moss, From UFDS. We met at the PDC Summit and I'm calling to follow up, as we discussed."

Reference your specific conversation, including any problems or challenges that were discussed, and reinforce the value your service or product will bring to their company. Maybe they are ready and willing to close the deal, in which case you've done your job! If not, follow the email procedures below to keep interest alive.

Email Lead Nurturing

Skilled salespeople know that there are always some leads in the pool who prefer email over phone contact. Be one of those people and craft a ready-to-go professional, succinct message ahead of time.

  • Reference the show and the date right up front

  • Display your sales rep contact information

  • To rise above the crowd of vendors, include a photo of your booth and display

  • End with an open-ended call to action, extending a range of offers including a free demo, white paper download, newsletter subscription, and a follow-up phone call

Reach Out to Moderate Interest Contacts

Not everyone you meet will be ready to make a deal. But don't simply end communication by dumping them into your lead database and forgetting about them. Instead, put each on an email track for specific product of interest and use lead nurturing techniques to nudge them into the next sales phase with fresh content each week for the next month or so. Keep communication open for the next 6-to-12 months with personal notes, Webinar/seminar invitations, and time-limited special offers or discounts.

Dividing up the Catch

Make sure all sales reps know they are being held accountable for personally following up on leads, and taking them to the next level.

Everyone on your team should go home from the Summit with plenty of leads. With these tips, they'll know what to do once they get them.

Learn more about how to leverage this year's PDC Summit with our free guide.  You'll learn how to network effectively, set the stage for contract negotiation, top vendors to see, area attractions and more!